The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for managing our mental health.
Lockdowns, social distancing requirements, travel restrictions, and the constantly changing position we find ourselves in is stressful. This makes prioritising our mental health and wellbeing more important than ever.
Good mental health is when we can cope with the stressors of our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our community, and work towards our goals. Everyone has mental health. And we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of our communities.
This World Mental Health Day, Doctors at Southport Park asks you to “Look after your Mental Health & Take care”
We also offer Mental Health Management Plans. Call and make bookings with our GPs (07) 5528 0037
For more resources visit:

The male clinical psychologist
Clinton is a VERY bad fit if u have come out of a domestic violence relationship
as I had !
he disrespected me just like my husband and when it asked me questions and I answered 😕
he was NO that’s not right !,
I was in tiers and ending sobbing 😞
he was ita my job to challenge u !,
thank gob I had 2 years of a councillor that worked through the lengths of domestic violence as normal counsellors and even clinical psychologist have no concept of what a woman has gone through and I will try and teach you something that could quite easily make you take your life because I will make…