Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common and harmful and if left untreated it can be deadly. While early detection allows for disease care and management to help prevent morbidity and mortality, and improve cost effectiveness and sustainability of treatment.
As healthcare providers, it is our responsibility to raise awareness in the community about chronic diseases & the type of preventive & clinic help that we able to provide to our patients. But there exists a constant gap in the knowledge about kidney diseases and how early intervention can prevent the progress of the disease.
On this day, 10th March 2022, Doctors at Southport Park would use this opportunity to provide an insight for our patients about the services they can access at our clinic to their best advantage.
Our key objectives:
Raising awareness about kidney health
Encouraging screening for our patients
Encourage preventive behaviors & adapt healthy lifestyle choices
Provide the best outcomes for our patients in terms of management of their condition
People with chronic kidney disease can have no symptoms, but people may experience:
High blood pressure that is not easily managed
You may feel weaker or more tired than usual
Your hands or your feet may swell
You may experience unexpected shortness of breath
You may not have a big appetite, potentially causing you to lose weight
You may have an unpleasant taste in your mouth
You may feel nauseated or need to vomit
You may not be able to sleep as well as usual
Your skin may itch unexpectedly
Your muscles may hurt or cramp
Your skin might appear darker than normal
If you think that you're experiencing any of the above, book an appointment today to see your GP.
Doctors at Southport Park offers a Chronic Disease Management Plan, planned & tailored to be provided in association with your GP, Chronic disease nurse & lifestyle and dietetics educator.
Our services are bulk-billed for all Medicare card holders.
Read more about Chronic Disease Management on our website
Source: World Kidney Day , My Kidney Journey